LIFE SEIZURE! Ali Rıza Revenueli

LIFE SEIZURE! Ali Rıza Revenueli

The joy of life has been lost in a group! 

How would you feel if you saw such an ad? Would you admit to yourself that you have made your share of mistakes? While unhappiness is coming at you with all its weapons.

Were you aware of the virtue of self-criticism? Peace, joy; Would you ask, what is this politics, this grudge that has taken away from where it should be? 

How aware are you that everything that happens has our explicit or implicit approval? 

The words 'goodness', 'health' are on every mouth now, that old 'goodness' does not sound like the word 'health'. It seems a little makeshift, a little rotten on one side; It's like a political statement. 

It doesn't matter whether we are men or women, our bodies are used as a means of establishing and displaying the power of others. Its use is the greatest tragedy of the human race. The essential element of losing the joy of living... 

Our bodies are used as a source of approval for things we do not want. Whether we want it or not; Let's call this the dilemma of democracy... 

Actually, there is nothing we want too much; The scent of a flower, the tone of a song, the voice of a woman honor our hearts as it should... 

Our most fundamental question is to complete the duty of living that we have taken over for a while, in goodness and beauty... Isn't it? 

Of course, my Pir, as Pir Sultan Abdal said, "The day of politics will come and without reaching''. 

If we cannot find the lost joy of life, future generations will keep it in the archaeological museum they will call.

For this reason, let's not try to be anything other than an individual-human; let's not let the love of ruling and ruling poison us. Nothing in nature tries to be anything other than itself. Why should we understand people's attempts?

Actually, if we only use our bodies for ourselves, everything will be solved... But there is still a long way to go until we find the joy of living... 

Apparently, we will be singing "your father will bring you new pains" to our children for a long time to come... 

 Let's say it, but please, let's not ignore our responsibility in the loss of our joy of life.

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