Ali Rıza Revenueli's Last Book Was Released Without Ideology

Ali Rıza Revenueli's Last Book Idelojisiz Published You can get it from Kitapyurdu.

< p>Our society is sick! There are "unkept mournings, unexpressed apologies" that are caused by ideologies. Hold on to all your unkept mourning; Express all your unspoken apologies. Our illness is from unkept mourning; Because it comes from unspoken apologies.

Ideology has individuals, understandings, tendencies, groups, classes within themselves. We can say that it is a unifier, a glue that binds them together and allows them to stand side by side in an orbital shape. It is indisputable that a god-like will is needed to achieve this. There should be no harm in calling him the god of the earth. Like all other gods, he feeds on marginalization. Cruelty and marginalization occur in the nature of such a god. On the other hand, we can compare ideology to a knife that wears out as the person knows it. (…) Ideologies need suffering people. There is nothing more dangerous in life than someone who is in pain. One way or another, history has shown us that the greatest oppressors come from among them. Likewise, pain increases the need for power; It blinds people to see the true dimensions of life. (…) Various intellectual covers were sewn for him in order to gather supporters in social life. Thus, it became a kind of prayer in secular or otherworldly life. At the cost of being mistaken, deceived and even dying... One could persevere in his shadow for a lifetime. The image it created in consciousness was mysterious. Maybe that's where his fake charm came from. It created itself by accumulating invalid utopias and monopolizing "meaning"! It was clear that it would lose all its appeal when tested against breathing organic nature. But not many people wanted to see this. When he was forced to confirm his consistency, he was honored even with death in proportion to his ability to realize his goals. (…) It is the same focus that destroys the ecosystem and creates the “pest called human”!

Yes, the world is ruled by injustice. This is a fact, because the world is ruled by ideologies.

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