Immigration continues to increase in different appearances.

People who had to go to other countries due to war are not limited to Ukrainians. The difference between Ukrainians is that they are given a special status.

There are more than one million Ukrainian immigrants in Germany. They do not need to apply for asylum to stay in Germanybut they do not need to benefit from the minimum assistance provided to asylum seekers(Bürgergeld). In addition, in Germany, where there is a great housing shortage, they do not stay in camps, but in houses allocated to them.

Some Ukrainians come every month, take their money and return to their country.

Reactions against the privileged position of these people are becoming clear, albeit slowly.

Christian Democrats and Liberals called for the abolition of preferential payments to Ukrainians . It was not accepted, but this is how the debates that will grow in Germany begin. There will be those who repeat the same demand.

Approximately 25 percent of the more than one million Ukrainians in Germany are from the country

span>young men who are forbidden to date. These people do not want to join the war and they find their way out of the country. There is no need to go to war when you can live in Germany, even if it is difficult.

While reactions were rising against the influx of immigrants towards Germany, except for Ukrainiansit was kept. There are signs that this period will end. The great burden of the war falls on Germany. It provides weapons to Ukraine, gives money to Ukraine, and is the largest host to civilians who left Ukraine. It has reduced its purchase of oil and natural gas from Russia, and is purchasing it from other countries at higher prices. This situation increases the inflation in the country.

In Ukraine, despite the military and economic aid provided by Germany and other countries. span>the battle is not progressing. Just as the economic embargo imposed on Russia did not yield the expected results, it cannot be said that Ukraine was able to achieve significant success in the war.

In this case, the situation of Ukrainian privileged immigrants attracts is inevitable. Ukrainians also learn German and look for a job because they see their status as cannot be said that they tend to.

Christian Democrats did what the social democrats and the left could not do, and this is 

span>they wanted the privileges of immigrants to be abolished.

The demand will not stop here, we will see the developments…

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